Category: Blog

  • Regret(s)

    When I was in high school, my friend’s sister said she had no regrets. I sensed this statement could not be true (at least for me) and couldn’t quite put my finger on why.  About six months ago, a colleague introduced me to “The Power of Regret: How Looking Backward Moves Us Forward” by Daniel Pink. In…

  • Boundaries

    I have been considering not returning to my job this coming Fall because I want more time to focus on my Self-Compassion Teaching and Coaching practice. I resisted for a long time due to a sense of security, but then I realized I am not fulfilling my needs for meaning, contribution, and growth which are…

  • Family Camp

    In 2010, I dragged my youngest to Washington (state) NVC Family Camp. My child had a lot of reluctance, but they did come and have been going back year after year. The experiences we had transformed the way we communicated with ourselves, with each other, and with the other members of our family. Due to…

  • MindSet

    In the past six months, my older child has mentioned mindset a couple of times in conversation. My takeaway was the attitude you have has a huge impact on how you approach something. This, of course, also impacts your outcome. Last year, I learned about The Great Ferry Race, a half-marathon on Bainbridge Island, WA…

  • Flow

    Most of my life, I did things because I “have to” or out of obligation. There is more satisfaction, contentment, and joy if we choose the things we truly want to do. I’m beginning to incorporate this attitude into my life.. Last month, I had some hesitation when it came to writing my monthly newsletter.…

  • Creating Space for Grief

    Ceramic “Dear Heart” made by Tom Quest Grief has been showing up this past month in myself and in the groups I am a part of. Grief is not an emotion that comes up often for me. When it does, I tend to dwell in the thoughts associated with the grief and am then swept…

  • Sighted

    My local senior center invited me to share mindfulness and self-compassion practices on Valentine’s Day for a visually impaired group. I learned some of these people became recently blind, while others possessed varying degrees of sight. Those who have their vision are referred to as “sighted”.  I cannot imagine the many emotions and states of…

  • p-a-u-s-e

    January has been a hard month. My state of mind was unsettled and dull. For me, it probably didn’t help that there were a couple of days where the temperature dropped to 20 degrees Fahrenheit with short spells of modest sunshine. Depending on where you live in the world, this can be pleasant or unpleasant…

  • Wishes for 2024

    In early October of this year, I participated in Spirit Rock’s Fall silent retreat in Woodacre, CA. We took our silence in sitting, walking, eating, and doing one job per day to support the community.  The instruction for the walking meditation is to walk a few feet, stop, turn around, and walk the same few…

  • Respond / React?

    I love the redwood forest. When I enter the forest and start taking in the cool crisp air, I feel a sense of calm and steadiness throughout my body. I have found it to be very beneficial to meet the stresses of life from a place of steadiness and calm. However, it’s not always easy…