Tag: #msc

  • Boundaries

    I have been considering not returning to my job this coming Fall because I want more time to focus on my Self-Compassion Teaching and Coaching practice. I resisted for a long time due to a sense of security, but then I realized I am not fulfilling my needs for meaning, contribution, and growth which are…

  • Wishes for 2024

    In early October of this year, I participated in Spirit Rock’s Fall silent retreat in Woodacre, CA. We took our silence in sitting, walking, eating, and doing one job per day to support the community.  The instruction for the walking meditation is to walk a few feet, stop, turn around, and walk the same few…

  • My Mindful Self-Compassion Journey

    I was very fortunate to have been able to stay home to raise our two children who are young adults today. In 2014, I wanted to re-enter the workforce. I was telling myself “Who would hire me?”, “I don’t know how to interview.”, and “I’ll never find a meaningful job.”  This inner dialog made the…